Monday, August 2, 2010

Plan of Action

Action Planning Template
Goal: To improve the TAKS scores of the subgroup Special Education. Through change of curriculum and teaching practices we expect a 15% increase in TAKS scores. We will improve teaching consistency and applicability through structured curriculum. Improved grades, conduct, and improve communication with parents.

Action Step(s)
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

1. - Obtain last year’s data including TAKS scores, teacher data.

Chris Baker, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Wotipka


AEIS report/ Specific TAKS student reports. Teacher data on improvements from last year.

All Data recieved

2. – Have a brainstorming meeting to discuss approach and data that will be needed throughout the year.

Chris Baker and Assistant Principal


Meeting time; Planned agenda

Coordinated meeting and participation from all stake holders.

3. - Analyze last year’s TAKS results and document strengths/weaknesses and improvements.

Chris Baker
Key stakeholders


Last year’s TAKS data, Teacher data/input

Clear and defined analysis of strengths/weaknesses and necessary improvements.

4. - Create a survey that will get feedback from previous years teachers and feelings on the curriculum.

Chris Baker


Survey Monkey

Completed survey from all basic teachers.

5. – Compare data to other campuses and districts.

Chris Baker
and Assistant Principal; Key stakeholders


Data from other campuses.

Complete analysis of our data compared to other’s data

6. – Present data and targeted areas of improvement to key stakeholders.

Chris Baker


Meeting time/ Teachers/ Power point presentation

Data completely understood by personnel.

7. – Create and distribute tracking charts for targeted areas to all teachers/Staff involved.

Chris Baker


Excel spreadsheet, compiled data

Teachers have received tracking charts for data compilation and understand how to use them.

8. – Meeting to monitor progress and access adjustments.

Chris Baker/ Assistant Principal


Tracking Charts from each teacher/ Meeting time

Teachers have completed tracking charts, questions are asked, and progress is observed for improvement

9. – Create and distribute midyear survey.

Chris Baker

January 2011

Survey software

Each teacher completed survey and given a significant feedback.

10. – Coordinate Additional training on adapted program

Assistant Principal
Chris Baker

January 2011

Program trainer/ Teacher data from using the program

Completed training. Substantial feedback from teachers.

11. Obtain a end of year survey

Chris Baker

May 2011

Survey Software

Each teacher has given response to each question and express their likes/dislikes , improvements about the program.

12. – Obtain and analyze June’s TAKS data/ and teacher data charts.

Chris Baker
Assistant Principal
Key stakeholders

June 2011

All data;TAKS scores, Teacher charts and data, surveys

Successfully analyze gaps, improvements, and access next step in the process.

1 comment:

  1. Although I commend your goal, I am concerned that a 15% increase is very large. I like the idea of your project and would love to see how it translates to the elementary grades.
